The Peloton Platform allows integration between WellView, SiteView, RigView, ProdView, and LandView. The integrated workflow helps streamline business processes for scheduling jobs and tracking approval processes.

  • RigView: The Approvals models within RigView and SiteView are in alignment simplifying the approvals process.
  • WellView: In SiteView, users can view relevant well data imported from WellView. When SiteView and WellView jobs are linked, users can consolidate costs for a shared AFE. For water tracking, companies can set up water sources in SiteView and transfer consumed volumes from WellView.
  • ProdView: SiteView allows you to share job related data with ProdView.

ArcGIS Basemaps from Esri

SiteView includes a multi-site map visualizer. The map displays an Esri base layer, on which several views are available:

  • Sites and equipment
  • Site integrity
  • Job costs

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